Procession at church today was so funny.
We prayed and were ready to walk down already. Keith already had the cross up and we were all in line and all. And Uncle Vincent announced, "Congregation, please stand for the anthem." And then....
Only after about 30 seconds did my dad finally ask from the back, "Is the organist here?"
The organist wasn't even around and everyone confidently wanted to start service. It was so funny. Dad had to go and announce that everyone could sit down while we waited.
After service it was so BORING la. Me, Joash and Chris were just sitting around staring at each other's faces. Then, when 10.30 service finished and things were just beginning to look a little fun, we had to leave. *What-the-hell face*
On the upside, I tasted the most amazing chutney I've tasted so far for lunch. Mouthwateringly awesome.
Anyway, to the point of this post.
True Grit************************************************************
I finally watched it.
I have gotta say, Hailee Steinfeld's nomination was thoroughly deserved. She was the heart and soul of the story, I don't care how famous Jeff Bridges is. Hailee's character, Mattie Ross was pretty impressive. But more impressive still was Hailee's portrayal of the stubborn and sometimes irritating Mattie. I was very impressed.
Jeff Bridges, on the other hand, was just plain annoying. I could barely understand a word he was saying, what with him swallowing his words, the Southern accent just making it worse. He played the character well but I have to say, there wasn't a lot to be ogle at. I understand not being able to understand it when he was acting drunk, but couldn't he at least speak just a little clearly when he was acting sober?
Matt Damon and Josh Brolin's characters were pretty minor. Nothing outstanding about those two. Actually, there was nothing outstanding about the movie either. I kept checking the time to see how long was left of the movie. Always a bad sign. The climax came a little late and the first half of the movie I spent in great agitation, wondering how an hour could feel SO LONG. So on the whole, although Hailee Steinfeld gave it her best, she was the only aspect of the movie worth expecting anything of. Other than that, the movie lacked depth, and everything else that could possibly have made it interesting.
The Fighter*****************************************************
A million times better than True Grit.
I was wishing the movie wouldn't end so soon. If I checked the time at all, it was to make sure there was still more of the movie to watch. And the YouTube critics were right, the movie wasn't ALL about boxing. It was mostly about family and not turning your back on your own. I loved it. And Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale had very little to do with it too.
Mark Wahlberg was adorable when he was being all drowned in self doubt. He played Mickey Ward well, but I guess I understand why he wasn't nominated. He was sort of overshadowed by Christian Bale and Melissa Leo who both gave the roles their all. The chemistry between Christian Bale and Mark Wahlberg was great though. They were so comfortable and natural playing brothers and it didn't seem fake or forced at all, unlike some other couplings I could name.
Christian Bale played crack junkie awesomely, from the unfocused eyes right down to the euphoric smile. Melissa Leo was truly believable as the constantly pissed off mom. I loved the scene where she started throwing plates and pans at her husband. Amy Adams complemented the cast well, but she did pretty well herself. But to be fair, her role was pretty typical. Bartender girlfriend with the accent. All that was missing was that her name wasn't Gina lol. The girlfriend's name is somehow ALWAYS Gina.
Anyway, too bad I didn't get to watch 127 Hours before the Oscars tomorrow. I'll watch it soon, hopefully. And finally, the countdown slowly comes to an end. Have fun watching the 83rd Annual Academy Awards tomorrow people, bright and early at 8.30am. There's the red carpet outfit assessment on E! at 8am too, that should be interesting.
Pray I'm happy with the results tomorrow or I'll be bitching to kingdom come about it :)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
More on the Oscars :)
Oh wow, I was right.
James Franco looks devastatingly hot in a tux *jaw dropping to floor*
Press the play button. Come onnnn, I know you want to *evil smile*
He has an awesome smile. Check out that gorgeous eye crinkling stunner he bestows upon the camera at 0:35. *Sigh* What was the point of this post again? Oh yeah...
The Oscars really look like they're gonna be fun :) Anne Hathaway is so funny and James Franco is...well he's James Franco, enough said.
There's another video I saw...where was it?
Ah found it :)
I LOVE the 'wardrobe malfunction' part.
Anyway, that's the Oscars.
Sis is back from Kemaman. Welcome home ka, Larry missed you more than I did :)
Oh I learned a valuable lesson today. Never mess with a cleaver when you're pissed off and your fingers are slippery from soap and ladies fingers slime. You may chop a finger off...or other body parts that I can assure you are pretty essential.
I have two tests next week, one of which is Actuarial Maths. Yeah, again. The first one didn't go too bad. But that was after living and breathing Actuarial Maths for a week or so. So yeah, Actuarial Maths here I come. The other test is Microecons. Please let our lecturer (who I kid you not, is known as Mr Har. Or Ha. Whatever) have mercy on us and make it easy as nuts.
I have it pretty easy though. Shu and Anna have THREE tests next week, and on consecutive days. Qades has three tests too, all of which just happen to be on Tuesday :s My heart goes out to them. And my prayers have all been spent thanking God that it wasn't me.
My phone battery is being an ass, I need a new one now. And I need a new dappa phone and a new SIM for my Digi number. Long story short, I went to watch a movie and left the cinema a little souvenir :(
Oh I finally watched Burlesque, but that's a story I need more time to tell so yeah, later.
I guess that's about it for now, other than a pretty obvious observation that I've been blogging pretty frequently lately. So, til my Burlesque story, I guess I'm done :)
James Franco looks devastatingly hot in a tux *jaw dropping to floor*
Press the play button. Come onnnn, I know you want to *evil smile*
He has an awesome smile. Check out that gorgeous eye crinkling stunner he bestows upon the camera at 0:35. *Sigh* What was the point of this post again? Oh yeah...
The Oscars really look like they're gonna be fun :) Anne Hathaway is so funny and James Franco is...well he's James Franco, enough said.
There's another video I saw...where was it?
Ah found it :)
I LOVE the 'wardrobe malfunction' part.
Anyway, that's the Oscars.
Sis is back from Kemaman. Welcome home ka, Larry missed you more than I did :)
Oh I learned a valuable lesson today. Never mess with a cleaver when you're pissed off and your fingers are slippery from soap and ladies fingers slime. You may chop a finger off...or other body parts that I can assure you are pretty essential.
I have two tests next week, one of which is Actuarial Maths. Yeah, again. The first one didn't go too bad. But that was after living and breathing Actuarial Maths for a week or so. So yeah, Actuarial Maths here I come. The other test is Microecons. Please let our lecturer (who I kid you not, is known as Mr Har. Or Ha. Whatever) have mercy on us and make it easy as nuts.
I have it pretty easy though. Shu and Anna have THREE tests next week, and on consecutive days. Qades has three tests too, all of which just happen to be on Tuesday :s My heart goes out to them. And my prayers have all been spent thanking God that it wasn't me.
My phone battery is being an ass, I need a new one now. And I need a new dappa phone and a new SIM for my Digi number. Long story short, I went to watch a movie and left the cinema a little souvenir :(
Oh I finally watched Burlesque, but that's a story I need more time to tell so yeah, later.
I guess that's about it for now, other than a pretty obvious observation that I've been blogging pretty frequently lately. So, til my Burlesque story, I guess I'm done :)
Monday, February 21, 2011
Oscar Buzz
So the Oscars are rapidly approaching and for some reason this year I'm getting excited about it. I've been hanging out with Larry too much :)
So let's see. Here are the movies nominated for the most awards.
The King's Speech for 12 awards
True Grit for 10
Inception for 8 awards
The Social Network also for 8 awards
The Fighter for 7
127 Hours for 6 awards
Black Swan for 5 awards
Toy Story 3 also for 5 awards
The King's Speech. The movie was pretty good. I had nothing to complain about and for the first time I can use this word-the movie was compelling. It was about this king a long time ago during World War II. He had a stutter, and of course for a king that was unacceptable. Colin Firth did a pretty solid job as the king. A nomination well deserved for performance by an actor in a leading role. Geoffrey Rush (that pirate from Pirates of the Carribean who died and the witch brought back to life) was praiseworthy too as the king's speech therapist.
Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter (who played the king's wife) were pretty good la but I think Colin Firth stole most of Geoffrey Rush's thunder. A movie worth watching. And worth nominating. Too bad it didn't get played in Malaysia for some reason. But then again that's how it is most of the time.
True Grit I know nothing about as I haven't watched it. But the trailer sure looks interesting and so I'm hopefully going to watch it soon. And hopefully before the Oscars. It's a total shame about Matt Damon though. To have that face and hide it behind a beard? Total shame. Josh Brolin looks pretty mysterious. Still waters may run deep but they sure look great :)
And Jeff Bridges. Man. How old is he already? Still getting nominations for Oscars all. Bravo dude, bravo. Little girl whose name I don't know pulls off innocent and brave/terrified pretty all right judging from the trailer so fingers crossed that she's no Kirsten Stewart.
The movie seems pretty serious though so I hope there's a little comedy in it at least. The "I thought you were gonna say the sun was in your eyes. That is...your eye" comment seemed promising :)
Ah Inception. The movie that made me scared to blink as I might have missed something and not understood the rest of the movie. Gotta say, the movie was great. Very interesting idea. I mean, it was incredible. Who would have thought of theft of ideas? Through dreams? And thieves who specialise specifically in this type of theft? Awesome. And if that wasn't mind boggling enough, the movie was about planting ideas in people's minds; a new idea even in the movie. And the planting of ideas was called Inception, hence the title. Sadly the plot had some holes in it. And it just so happens that I really hate cliffhangers. I mean why didn't the spinning top just fall already? There was no need for that after all the drama :s
The most deserved award would have to be visual effects. Loved the city folding in on itself. That was awesome.
And I actually liked the part where the poor dude who good ol Leo and crew were trying to manipulate....what's his name again? Okay IMDB here I come. Ah yes Robert Fischer (Christopher Nolan must like this guy. This one's for Larry-his real name's Cilian Murphy :p And for good reason too, I thought his creepiness from Batman Begins would overflow to Inception but he was like totally normal. Loved him. Good actor, very versatile.). I liked the part when the dad in his dream told him to be his own man. Even though his real dad was an ass and probably never would have ever said that. Oh well I'm a softie, so sue me. Ellen Page was the one who really impressed me though. From Juno to Inception? Nice, very nice.
Aaaaaaaaaanyway I really liked the movie. It was no Lord of the Rings but the effort was admirable.
The Social Network :D I have to admit I'm pretty biased on this one. I only watched it for Justin Timberlake and he's absolutely, incurably adorable as Sean Parker. Who needs Mark Zuckerberg? Okay fine the others were pretty all right too. Jesse Eisenberg was totally convincing as a sort of jackass-ish kind of Mark Zuckerberg. It was impressive...but Oscar worthy? Hmmmm...I'm still pondering that.
Okay what's his best friend's name again? Eduardo? Ah yes the Jewish Eduardo. Thank you IMDB, I meant Andrew Garfield. I think this guy was okay when he was playing all the happy parts but all the pissed off parts I could only laugh at. Justin Timberlake was perfect in every way :D Oh and surprise surprise. Brenda Song somehow managed to go from Disney's resident bimbo to hot Asian chick. Kudos to you, Miss Song. The twins were pretty cute too :)
And Justin Timberlake was awesome :D
But joking and Justin Timberlake aside, the movie was pretty interesting. Though Jesse Eisenberg speaks pretty fast as Mark Zuckerberg. All you normal people out there would be able to catch on I'm sure. Larry couldn't though :P
Then there's The Fighter. I think the trailer for this one was the most impressive of the lot. And the comments kept saying stuff like "They really screwed up the promotion of this film. It was EVERYTHING to do with family and character development...boxing is just the stage on which it is set." There was another one that said "This is an awful trailer for a great movie that has nothing to do with boxing. Please don't let some studio jobs who think they need to market everything as the next Rocky shut your brain off and dissuade you from seeing a fantastic movie about family, addiction and growth. You will cry, repeatedly."
I can honestly say I don't doubt that last part :s Seeing as I haven't watched the movie though, I haven't formed an opinion on it as of yet. But the trailer looks promising. I mean firstly, Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale? Women of the world rejoiced when they heard the news. Christian Bale is a chameleon. He totally looks his part and I hope he gets the Oscar for actor in a supporting role. Amy her. No hint of Disney princess or quiet nun. Mark Wahlberg really pulls off the role of conflicted softie. Too bad no hint of a nomination for him.
All in all, it looks promising but I shall not pass judgement before I watch the movie. Hopefully before the Oscars :)
Mmmmmm....127 Hours. Seeing that I'm madly in love with James Franco I don't think I can provide an unbiased opinion about this movie either :) Not that I've watched it but still.
I hope James Franco gets the Oscar for actor in a leading role. Despite being unable to tear my eyes away from his awesome smile, I am kinda sorta able to say he's a pretty great actor. He played James Dean, a gigolo, a gay lover to a politician, a drug dealer, a homeless junkie, an ex con, a poet fighting for the right to freedom of speech, the list goes on and on. I seriously love this guy. I'm sure he will not disappoint in this movie. Which I also hope to watch before the Oscars come around. Can't wait to see him in a tux :D
Can I skip Black Swan? I've hated Natalie Portman since she ruined Star Wars. So yeah, pass.
If Toy Story 3 does not win the Oscar for best animated film, the Academy should be disbanded. I am serious. For all those people out there around my age, Toy Story 3 was the movie that regressed me back to my childhood. We were all jealous of Andy, the boy who taught us all to be nicer to our toys. And suddenly he's going to college and his toys are going into storage??!! The horror.
This movie made me cry. Over and over again. When I saw Woody and Buzz and the rest and their devotion to get back to Andy, I cried. When I thought all the toys were headed for certain death-by-incinerator, I cried. When the three little aliens saved them and said in wonder, "The Claw", I cheered and laughed through my tears. When Andy wouldn't be parted from Woody, I cried. When Andy spent one last afternoon playing with his toys with that little girl, I cried. And finally, when Andy drove away and Woody said, "So long...partner," I cried the hardest.
This movie was awesome. It was the greatest. If it does not win I will make my opinions known. Widely. I don't know how yet, but I will figure something out. Toy Story 3 is awesome.
So yeah that pretty much sums up most of the Oscars. It is a mere 7 days away now. So join me in the countdown to watch James Franco in a tux. Oh he's hosting it too :D According to Larry that is :D I wonder if Justin Timberlake'll be there :D I can't wait :D
So let's see. Here are the movies nominated for the most awards.
The King's Speech for 12 awards
True Grit for 10
Inception for 8 awards
The Social Network also for 8 awards
The Fighter for 7
127 Hours for 6 awards
Black Swan for 5 awards
Toy Story 3 also for 5 awards
The King's Speech. The movie was pretty good. I had nothing to complain about and for the first time I can use this word-the movie was compelling. It was about this king a long time ago during World War II. He had a stutter, and of course for a king that was unacceptable. Colin Firth did a pretty solid job as the king. A nomination well deserved for performance by an actor in a leading role. Geoffrey Rush (that pirate from Pirates of the Carribean who died and the witch brought back to life) was praiseworthy too as the king's speech therapist.
Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter (who played the king's wife) were pretty good la but I think Colin Firth stole most of Geoffrey Rush's thunder. A movie worth watching. And worth nominating. Too bad it didn't get played in Malaysia for some reason. But then again that's how it is most of the time.
True Grit I know nothing about as I haven't watched it. But the trailer sure looks interesting and so I'm hopefully going to watch it soon. And hopefully before the Oscars. It's a total shame about Matt Damon though. To have that face and hide it behind a beard? Total shame. Josh Brolin looks pretty mysterious. Still waters may run deep but they sure look great :)
And Jeff Bridges. Man. How old is he already? Still getting nominations for Oscars all. Bravo dude, bravo. Little girl whose name I don't know pulls off innocent and brave/terrified pretty all right judging from the trailer so fingers crossed that she's no Kirsten Stewart.
The movie seems pretty serious though so I hope there's a little comedy in it at least. The "I thought you were gonna say the sun was in your eyes. That is...your eye" comment seemed promising :)
Ah Inception. The movie that made me scared to blink as I might have missed something and not understood the rest of the movie. Gotta say, the movie was great. Very interesting idea. I mean, it was incredible. Who would have thought of theft of ideas? Through dreams? And thieves who specialise specifically in this type of theft? Awesome. And if that wasn't mind boggling enough, the movie was about planting ideas in people's minds; a new idea even in the movie. And the planting of ideas was called Inception, hence the title. Sadly the plot had some holes in it. And it just so happens that I really hate cliffhangers. I mean why didn't the spinning top just fall already? There was no need for that after all the drama :s
The most deserved award would have to be visual effects. Loved the city folding in on itself. That was awesome.
And I actually liked the part where the poor dude who good ol Leo and crew were trying to manipulate....what's his name again? Okay IMDB here I come. Ah yes Robert Fischer (Christopher Nolan must like this guy. This one's for Larry-his real name's Cilian Murphy :p And for good reason too, I thought his creepiness from Batman Begins would overflow to Inception but he was like totally normal. Loved him. Good actor, very versatile.). I liked the part when the dad in his dream told him to be his own man. Even though his real dad was an ass and probably never would have ever said that. Oh well I'm a softie, so sue me. Ellen Page was the one who really impressed me though. From Juno to Inception? Nice, very nice.
Aaaaaaaaaanyway I really liked the movie. It was no Lord of the Rings but the effort was admirable.
The Social Network :D I have to admit I'm pretty biased on this one. I only watched it for Justin Timberlake and he's absolutely, incurably adorable as Sean Parker. Who needs Mark Zuckerberg? Okay fine the others were pretty all right too. Jesse Eisenberg was totally convincing as a sort of jackass-ish kind of Mark Zuckerberg. It was impressive...but Oscar worthy? Hmmmm...I'm still pondering that.
Okay what's his best friend's name again? Eduardo? Ah yes the Jewish Eduardo. Thank you IMDB, I meant Andrew Garfield. I think this guy was okay when he was playing all the happy parts but all the pissed off parts I could only laugh at. Justin Timberlake was perfect in every way :D Oh and surprise surprise. Brenda Song somehow managed to go from Disney's resident bimbo to hot Asian chick. Kudos to you, Miss Song. The twins were pretty cute too :)
And Justin Timberlake was awesome :D
But joking and Justin Timberlake aside, the movie was pretty interesting. Though Jesse Eisenberg speaks pretty fast as Mark Zuckerberg. All you normal people out there would be able to catch on I'm sure. Larry couldn't though :P
Then there's The Fighter. I think the trailer for this one was the most impressive of the lot. And the comments kept saying stuff like "They really screwed up the promotion of this film. It was EVERYTHING to do with family and character development...boxing is just the stage on which it is set." There was another one that said "This is an awful trailer for a great movie that has nothing to do with boxing. Please don't let some studio jobs who think they need to market everything as the next Rocky shut your brain off and dissuade you from seeing a fantastic movie about family, addiction and growth. You will cry, repeatedly."
I can honestly say I don't doubt that last part :s Seeing as I haven't watched the movie though, I haven't formed an opinion on it as of yet. But the trailer looks promising. I mean firstly, Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale? Women of the world rejoiced when they heard the news. Christian Bale is a chameleon. He totally looks his part and I hope he gets the Oscar for actor in a supporting role. Amy her. No hint of Disney princess or quiet nun. Mark Wahlberg really pulls off the role of conflicted softie. Too bad no hint of a nomination for him.
All in all, it looks promising but I shall not pass judgement before I watch the movie. Hopefully before the Oscars :)
Mmmmmm....127 Hours. Seeing that I'm madly in love with James Franco I don't think I can provide an unbiased opinion about this movie either :) Not that I've watched it but still.
I hope James Franco gets the Oscar for actor in a leading role. Despite being unable to tear my eyes away from his awesome smile, I am kinda sorta able to say he's a pretty great actor. He played James Dean, a gigolo, a gay lover to a politician, a drug dealer, a homeless junkie, an ex con, a poet fighting for the right to freedom of speech, the list goes on and on. I seriously love this guy. I'm sure he will not disappoint in this movie. Which I also hope to watch before the Oscars come around. Can't wait to see him in a tux :D
Can I skip Black Swan? I've hated Natalie Portman since she ruined Star Wars. So yeah, pass.
If Toy Story 3 does not win the Oscar for best animated film, the Academy should be disbanded. I am serious. For all those people out there around my age, Toy Story 3 was the movie that regressed me back to my childhood. We were all jealous of Andy, the boy who taught us all to be nicer to our toys. And suddenly he's going to college and his toys are going into storage??!! The horror.
This movie made me cry. Over and over again. When I saw Woody and Buzz and the rest and their devotion to get back to Andy, I cried. When I thought all the toys were headed for certain death-by-incinerator, I cried. When the three little aliens saved them and said in wonder, "The Claw", I cheered and laughed through my tears. When Andy wouldn't be parted from Woody, I cried. When Andy spent one last afternoon playing with his toys with that little girl, I cried. And finally, when Andy drove away and Woody said, "So long...partner," I cried the hardest.
This movie was awesome. It was the greatest. If it does not win I will make my opinions known. Widely. I don't know how yet, but I will figure something out. Toy Story 3 is awesome.
So yeah that pretty much sums up most of the Oscars. It is a mere 7 days away now. So join me in the countdown to watch James Franco in a tux. Oh he's hosting it too :D According to Larry that is :D I wonder if Justin Timberlake'll be there :D I can't wait :D
Sunday, February 20, 2011
I just realised that my week sounds pretty happening.
Last Saturday I finally went to Bangsar after so long and met TWO people on my miss list so yay. I got a haircut that apparently makes me look emo/like a 12 year old. Oh right, back to last Saturday. Cut my hair then met up with Jasmine for lunch. Went to Devi's and caught up like crazy. I think we didn't stop talking for hours. It was hilarious. To add to the hilarity I met Sanjeev during his break. Oh he was at this place that me and Jas had to hunt down cause it was so elusive :s
Anyway when we got there I was already so full but Sanjeev asked me to share a Red Velvet cake with him. How could I refuse Red Velvet? (Although of course at this point I'd never heard of it before. But it sounded so sexy LOL) So yeah Red Velvet tastes just as good as it sounds :) After that went to illy cause Sanjeev had to get back to work and Jas and I had two cups of coffee that cost as much as our ENTIRE LUNCH. I was stuffed to bursting by this point but still managed to finish my coffee. Very slowly la.
Then after that we went to Pelita cause Jas and I just wanted to sit somewhere and talk. So obviously we had to order something. I was almost dead but ordered bloody teh o ais limau :s But it was so much fun hanging out with Jas that I barely noticed how close I was to overeating myself to death :)
So that was Saturday.
Sunday was fun too. Went to church then went out for lunch with some of the gang. Okay that sounded so lame but whatever. So when we got to Mid Valley we went to the Spaghetti Grill. The waitress who pronounced all the dishes with an Indian accent drew a LOT of giggles :) And Matthew was sitting directly opposite me which did not help my compulsive giggling. Joash entertained us all with his nonsense all afternoon. Hanging out with Joash and Stephanie is so entertaining it cannot be done with a full stomach :s Bryan and Chris were just the freaking cherries on top of the cake. Needless to say I laughed all afternoon.
After that went to Joanna's house to help her finish all her Chinese New Year cookies. Larry and I did a pretty good job even thought my spaghetti had me filled to the brim already. Then we went rounding around Bangsar to find a place for the 'college gang' to go to the next day for dinner. It was pretty depressing though; it was raining and all. But it was pretty awesome when we decided to go to Bangsar Shopping Complex. We were pretty close to giving up by then cause I didn't know it would be SO difficult just to find a reasonably priced place to have a nice dinner at. So imagine how we felt when the lift doors opened at BSC and we came out right in front of.....Chinoz and La Bodega. It was awesome.
The next day was Valentine's Day so yeah we went out for dinner. Oh but before that. When I was at class with Larry and Aaron and Beh Jian Fung and Christina, Aaron got a ridiculous looking balloon flower from.....wait for it....A SECRET ADMIRER. I was so excited. Aaron was a little less than thrilled though LOL. He was so embarassed and everyone was like whooooaaaa. Oh and he has a strong feeling it's a guy it seems. Even more hilarious :D And just to make it worse his mom got so excited about him when he got home and put the balloon flower in a vase all LOLOLOLOLOL. He's still keeping the card now, probably still trying to figure out who sent it. Though he probably might wanna rethink that considering how strongly he thinks its a guy who sent it hehe.
Anyway dinner that night was nice even though Larry, Joash and I were soooo early we ended up waiting an hour for Shu and Michelle and Joanna. Yikes. But dinner was pretty good. Even though I had to like empty half a bottle of Tabasco sauce all over my spaghetti :) Oh and Larry had a fish pie. A FISH PIE. Eew. Then Qades suddenly showed up...with Vaisna. We were so excited to see her. So yeah my miss list has been shortened considerably right now. Yay!
After dinner we headed to Devi's and it hit me that I was spending a LOT of time in Bangsar. Sigh...I miss living there. Yes even though its been like a decade. Anyway Sanjeev was at Devi's too. So yeah Joash was jealous cause he finally had to see with his own eyes that Sanjeev has more facial hair than him :P
The rest of the week was pretty lame la. Spent most of my time studying for Actuarial Maths. When I went to uni this week Beh Jian Fung said my hair makes me look 12 and started calling me girl-girl. Yuck. Surprisingly I don't miss my long hair as much as I thought I would. Its been too damn hot for that. And...well...most people seem to like it so I guess that's an added plus. The number 1 reaction would have to go to....Larry. No wait...Aaron. One of those two la. Larry almost got a heart attack and told me it was ugly (Later he told me he loved it. Typical Larry.). Aaron saw me and didn't recognise me and sort of froze when he saw me in 'his' seat. But then he got so excited and wouldn't stop staring at it. It was hilarious :)
Anyway I'm hoping this week I'll get to watch Burlesque and 127 hours. Christina Aguilera and James Franco in a day. Awesomeness. Wanted to go today but everyone seemed busy.
Church was fun. Hid outside with Joash most of the time so that I wouldn't have to live through another episode about how I was helping destroy my culture by cutting my hair :s
Whiled away the time talking to Joash and Stephanie. Then Bryan and Leanne hung out with us after service was over until we had to leave. Chris made a short guest appearance too. So yeah.
Wow I finally blogged about something other than nonsense. I should do this more often.
Last Saturday I finally went to Bangsar after so long and met TWO people on my miss list so yay. I got a haircut that apparently makes me look emo/like a 12 year old. Oh right, back to last Saturday. Cut my hair then met up with Jasmine for lunch. Went to Devi's and caught up like crazy. I think we didn't stop talking for hours. It was hilarious. To add to the hilarity I met Sanjeev during his break. Oh he was at this place that me and Jas had to hunt down cause it was so elusive :s
Anyway when we got there I was already so full but Sanjeev asked me to share a Red Velvet cake with him. How could I refuse Red Velvet? (Although of course at this point I'd never heard of it before. But it sounded so sexy LOL) So yeah Red Velvet tastes just as good as it sounds :) After that went to illy cause Sanjeev had to get back to work and Jas and I had two cups of coffee that cost as much as our ENTIRE LUNCH. I was stuffed to bursting by this point but still managed to finish my coffee. Very slowly la.
Then after that we went to Pelita cause Jas and I just wanted to sit somewhere and talk. So obviously we had to order something. I was almost dead but ordered bloody teh o ais limau :s But it was so much fun hanging out with Jas that I barely noticed how close I was to overeating myself to death :)
So that was Saturday.
Sunday was fun too. Went to church then went out for lunch with some of the gang. Okay that sounded so lame but whatever. So when we got to Mid Valley we went to the Spaghetti Grill. The waitress who pronounced all the dishes with an Indian accent drew a LOT of giggles :) And Matthew was sitting directly opposite me which did not help my compulsive giggling. Joash entertained us all with his nonsense all afternoon. Hanging out with Joash and Stephanie is so entertaining it cannot be done with a full stomach :s Bryan and Chris were just the freaking cherries on top of the cake. Needless to say I laughed all afternoon.
After that went to Joanna's house to help her finish all her Chinese New Year cookies. Larry and I did a pretty good job even thought my spaghetti had me filled to the brim already. Then we went rounding around Bangsar to find a place for the 'college gang' to go to the next day for dinner. It was pretty depressing though; it was raining and all. But it was pretty awesome when we decided to go to Bangsar Shopping Complex. We were pretty close to giving up by then cause I didn't know it would be SO difficult just to find a reasonably priced place to have a nice dinner at. So imagine how we felt when the lift doors opened at BSC and we came out right in front of.....Chinoz and La Bodega. It was awesome.
The next day was Valentine's Day so yeah we went out for dinner. Oh but before that. When I was at class with Larry and Aaron and Beh Jian Fung and Christina, Aaron got a ridiculous looking balloon flower from.....wait for it....A SECRET ADMIRER. I was so excited. Aaron was a little less than thrilled though LOL. He was so embarassed and everyone was like whooooaaaa. Oh and he has a strong feeling it's a guy it seems. Even more hilarious :D And just to make it worse his mom got so excited about him when he got home and put the balloon flower in a vase all LOLOLOLOLOL. He's still keeping the card now, probably still trying to figure out who sent it. Though he probably might wanna rethink that considering how strongly he thinks its a guy who sent it hehe.
Anyway dinner that night was nice even though Larry, Joash and I were soooo early we ended up waiting an hour for Shu and Michelle and Joanna. Yikes. But dinner was pretty good. Even though I had to like empty half a bottle of Tabasco sauce all over my spaghetti :) Oh and Larry had a fish pie. A FISH PIE. Eew. Then Qades suddenly showed up...with Vaisna. We were so excited to see her. So yeah my miss list has been shortened considerably right now. Yay!
After dinner we headed to Devi's and it hit me that I was spending a LOT of time in Bangsar. Sigh...I miss living there. Yes even though its been like a decade. Anyway Sanjeev was at Devi's too. So yeah Joash was jealous cause he finally had to see with his own eyes that Sanjeev has more facial hair than him :P
The rest of the week was pretty lame la. Spent most of my time studying for Actuarial Maths. When I went to uni this week Beh Jian Fung said my hair makes me look 12 and started calling me girl-girl. Yuck. Surprisingly I don't miss my long hair as much as I thought I would. Its been too damn hot for that. And...well...most people seem to like it so I guess that's an added plus. The number 1 reaction would have to go to....Larry. No wait...Aaron. One of those two la. Larry almost got a heart attack and told me it was ugly (Later he told me he loved it. Typical Larry.). Aaron saw me and didn't recognise me and sort of froze when he saw me in 'his' seat. But then he got so excited and wouldn't stop staring at it. It was hilarious :)
Anyway I'm hoping this week I'll get to watch Burlesque and 127 hours. Christina Aguilera and James Franco in a day. Awesomeness. Wanted to go today but everyone seemed busy.
Church was fun. Hid outside with Joash most of the time so that I wouldn't have to live through another episode about how I was helping destroy my culture by cutting my hair :s
Whiled away the time talking to Joash and Stephanie. Then Bryan and Leanne hung out with us after service was over until we had to leave. Chris made a short guest appearance too. So yeah.
Wow I finally blogged about something other than nonsense. I should do this more often.
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