Sunday, October 8, 2017

An Unquestioned Burst of Inspiration

Believe it or not, the lack updates lately has not been for lack of trying. Inspiration has just not been my friend lately, until today that is.

I don't know if this is any good and I haven't even asked for an opinion on it yet, I was just so excited to have written something after so long. So here it is, my attempt at poetry after donkey years of silence.

There is a question
That hangs in the air
Awkward and unspoken
Acknowledged and deeply pondered
Yet weighted by its unanswered-ness.

It is alive with mischief and elusive wiles
Ever changing, never resting, never still
It morphs with every measure of passing time
From greys and browns, to blues and greens
Never quite reaching the glory of reds and golds.

Its depth is close to unfathomable
Its reach speaks in inaudible whispers
Of broken hearts made whole
Of dreams almost within grasp
Of endless possibility behind wondering doubt
Of earthly wonder in everyday miracles
Of contentment and peace, dangling like an almost promise.

Never asked
Always wondered
The reason behind searching, memorising eyes
And the words just beyond the growing lump of a throat
The endless cause of softer than soft smiles and sighs like anchors.

A simple question
And yet, not so simple.

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A Heartfelt, Post Traumatic Thank You

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