Friday, January 30, 2009

Michelle's Birthday!!

Okay first of all a big shoutout to the birthday gurl:

By the way I DID already wish her alright?hehe Neways we went out to Pyramid on Wednesday to celebrate the occassion. Before that me and Joash made a quick trip to Kota Raya to get her a present. It was quite difficult cause Kota Raya has surprisingly a lot to choose from and the stuff was really nice hehe. We got her a necklace and a bracelet la. Then nothing worth mentioning til we got to Pyramid!!

Well Aaron and Michelle got there ahead of me and Joash la. So after taking a while to act like Selvarajs and get lost, we met them and Michelle's sister Melissa at the pool place. Michelle and Aaron were playing and Aaron was being nice because it was Michelle's birthday after all. It was sooo totally hilarious!! Everytime the ball got close to falling in and missed, he would just grab it and put it in hehe. I was probably the only crazy person there laughing.

So then we went, at my insistence, for lunch. But before that we went to get our movie tickets first. Me and Michelle reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally wanted to watch Revolutionary Road. *Sigh* The reunion of Leonardo diCaprio and Kate Winslet since Titanic. But unfortunately they were only showing sneak previews so that was out. We finally settled for Inkheart. Boleh tahanlah...Brendan Fraser what. hehe

THEN we went for lunch. Goodness...the amount of time we took to decide where to go. But only me and Aaron were actively involved in the debate though. The rest just wanted food hehe. In the end we went for Pizza Hut, it had been a while. We had fun la. Joash and Aaron got along extremely well. I wasn't really surprised or anything, they're more alike than they think :) Then when we were done eating Kuben and Nanthinee got there. We were all laughing at Kuben who got chased by FIVE dogs sometime and was telling us about it. Anyway. Nanthinee didn't quite seem alright. I was kinda bummed that she made it so obvious though, after all it was Michelle's birthday. Neways, we went bowling after that- Aaron, Michelle and Joash versus me, Melissa and Kuben. Well, since i kinda suck at bowling, obviously my team lost hehe. So we ended up paying for everyone's popcorn for the movie. But hey we had fun and that's what mattered :D

After that Michelle's older sister Tracy came just in time for the movie and we went in. By some twist of fate Melissa and Joash ended up sitting together haha. We amateur matchmakers, i know. The movie was quite alright la. After that Kuben and Nanthinee left and the others went to the arcade. I went to walk around by myself a bit nd ended up getting some makeup. I intended to check out the prices of the tattoos there but the people were busy so i went back to the arcade. After that it was time to leave already. Me, Joash and Aaron took the minibus to the ktm station la. Aaron was taking the train in the opposite direction so we went our separate ways to get home. Unfortunately again, I have no pics. So here's some we took when we went for our Maths consultation last Friday :)

Haha she really does look like she's checking him out :D

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