So anyway, this trip to PD could not have come at a better time seeing as I had 3 tests last week and another one on Monday :S I hope no one else is unlucky enough to feel my pain :)
So we left KL right after my test on SATURDAY (:@ curse UTAR) and arrived at Glory Beach Resort way before check in time. We were lucky though, our room was ready and we got to go in. First impression was good. Then we reached the room..
The 'kids' (as we're still known, even though we've all been officially over 18 since Joash's birthday last month) room was so small that sis, Joash and me could barely stand in it at the same time. There wasn't even any floor space for a mattress :S And the shower was so tiny that I would have knocked my shoulder or elbow into something if I attempted to move. Well that was still excusable, its not like we were gonna be spending too much time indoors anyway.
So Joash and me got all excited to check out the beach and immediately garbed up and ran out with sis.
Utter disappointment.
There was dirt all over the beach. It came from the water :S We tried to ignore it and stared at the horizon....where we saw an oil rig and lots of huge ass boats :S We walked further down the beach in an effort to ditch the dirt...the dirt came with us :S
At this point I started taking photos and the development around us kinda ruined most of em lol
You can just see the oil rig and huge ass ships in the distance :P And the plastic bag on the beach obviously :)
I never thought I'd say this, but thank goodness for Dad's Selangor Club membership!! They're affiliated to the Yacht Club in PD which has an awesome beach and pretty great food. The Yacht Club saved our trip I'm telling you..
We spent most of our time there after the disastrous beach at the not so glorious Glory Beach Resort. Did I mention that the pool was green by the way? And yet people were gladly swimming and playing around in there :S The family and I were deeply disturbed at everyone's apparent lack of hygienic concerns.
Which is why the photos of the pool are all not in colour ;)
We had a good time at the Yacht Club :) Went for a dip, had our showers and eventually had dinner there. The showers there are glorious, you just have to stand there and its like a hot water massage :)
This was when we were all having tea after a nice dip in clean water off a clean beach :)
We had a nice long dinner and then went back to "Glory" Beach Resort and pretty much just crashed after a nice lazy day.
Next day we just couldn't wait to get outta there so we checked out early. We took our time waking up and stuff though. We were just way ahead of checkout time. I'm sure we had no regrets when we walked by the green pool and the changing room that reeked of the garbage collecting next to it *shudder*
So we had breakfast at the Yacht Club obviously. Oh something interesting happened after we finished breakfast and we were just sitting around talking and lazing.
I was watching these 2 Indian kids playing at the playground. They looked like they were having a good time and I was reliving my childhood in my mind and being all serene and at peace. Then these 2 foreign kids came along and they wanted to play on the swings. The Indian kids were playing on the slides and sharing the playground shouldn't have been an issue. I mean come on, there were four of them and they were all tiny :)
Next thing I know, these Indian kids turn into thugs and are chasing the foreign kids away :S
I got a little irritated I guess cause I can't stand this typical indian behaviour. So I suddenly became a champion of children's rights and decided to go over there and help them out. When I asked the 2 foreign kids if they wanted to play on the swings, they both gave me the most adorable puppy dog faces and nodded. So I told them to go ahead and I would sit close by and make sure the Indian kids didn't bother them.
It was hilarious when this small little Indian boy tried to intimidate me when I told them to let the foreign kids play on the swings :P
After that when we were leaving the little foreign girl waved at me and smiled and I thought that was really sweet of her :)
So after a relaxing morning at the beach and a lazy lunch, we headed back for KL. Back to tests and stress and studying...
But I'm glad we had that weekend away. It was especially nice since nobody was getting on anyone's case, we all just wanted to relax and have a good time. So yeah, it was great :D